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Тишо разказва за Grabokrupko и Bezgrabotna Siromahova, докато убива последния час от работния ден! Публикувано на 04 Юни 2012 ·
През следобеда на един хубав ден, точно час преди края на работния ден, Тихомир Тодоров (Тишо) търсеше нещо интересно за правене. Влезе във Facebook и почна да разглежда какво последно се е случвало. "Я, Grabo.bg са пуснали нова игра! Измисли най-изчанченото име с думата "граб" и можеш да спечелиш награда. Хм, да се пробвам?" И ето какво се получи - не име, а цяла история, и то на английски. Прочетете я по-долу.

Тишо и семейство му.

Once grabon a time in a Grabogalaxy far far away, there was a grabofamily named Graboslovohotlivkovi. Graboslovohotlivkovi had 5 grabosons and 5 grabodaughters. The father - GraboDaddy was more fond of his 5 grabosons because his grabodaughters were spending his grabomoney mainly on Grabeautyvauchers. The names of the daughters were Grabina, Grabolona, Grabofila, Grabofona (The grabomam wanted to name her Gramophona, but the Grabogovernment would not allow it) and last but not least - Grabooferta. The sons were named as follows: Grabolomko, Grabogrumko, Grabokupko, Grabolubko, and the littlest one - Grabograbko.

The story here is not about the Grabofamily. The real story is a about a poor man who had no Grabomoney and was considered unlucky. His name was Grabokrupko. Grabokrupko was not a bad guy, he was just out of Graboluck. Every time he wanted to buy something form the Grabo store, the offer has been razGrabena, or it was raining outside and he was unable to go to the Grabeasypay office in time.

The story begins one cloudy afternoon, when he was walking in the Grabopark. He was walking slowly with his head down as usual when he saw with the corner of his eye something that he could not mistake for anything else. There in front of him, under the bench was a Grabovoucher. He jumped and picked it up. It was Grabodinner for two in the most famous restaurant in town - Grabolukovata kushta. The dinner included: 2 fresh salads, two steaks, home made bread, a bottle of Grabowine made form the finest grapes sort - Grabumza and for dissert - specially baked cookies form master chef Grabuti and his favorite assistant Grabivan Grabizvezdev.

As he was reading, Grabokrupko felt like his stomach was a two-kilometer deep hole that needed to be filled. He was almost able to feel the smells coming from the kitchen, but in the same time he felt a tear running from his eye as he was thinking of the couple that had lost the voucher. As unlucky as he was, Grabokrupko had a very good and honest heart. That same moment he said to himself that an empty stomach is better than a rotten heart and decided to return the voucher to its owner.

He read the name on it: BezGrabotna Siromahova. Our hero Grabokrupko said to himself: "With a name like that she must be more unlucky than I am". He went to the restaurant Grabolukovata kushta to ask if they have a reservation for that person. When he entered he saw a waiter arguing with a crying girl. As he approached the table he heard the following conversation:

"Madam, I can't let you eat here if you do not have your voucher."
"But I just lost it, I bought it hoping that I will have somebody with me on this dinner. Now I am alone, without my voucher and….."

Then Grabokrupko took out the voucher, introduced himself and explained how he got it. When he was ready to leave, Bezgrabotna Siromahova said:

"I don't think that I have lost it by mistake, I think it was destiny. Please share this Grabovoucher with me."

What else has happened that night and after that I do not know (пък и ми свършва работното време и ще ходя да си използвам един ваучер от Grabo) but the story tells us that they had 10 children and all of their names start with Grabo.

The End

Тихомир Тодоров