Daria написа ревю за Държавна Опера Бургас
would be better with better mic, dresses for 3 pigs can be more colourful, as well as plastic pink stomache. otherwise small changes would make it more better!
Daria написа ревю за Държавна Опера Бургас
Bad choice of program. Too boring to be Xmas concerts. Very good cooperation between all members of concert.
Daria написа ревю за Държавна Опера Бургас
A bit long for kids, should be done shorter version! Lady from opera who made a pictures with camera light opp all area with mobile and disturbed a lot.
Otherwise, Red hat dancer was excellent!! We need more kids ballet here!!
Otherwise, Red hat dancer was excellent!! We need more kids ballet here!!
Daria написа ревю за The Magic of ZAIN
Отличное шоу, которое стоит своих денег! ЗАЙН молодец! Побольше бы таких шоу в Бургасе и Поморие.
Daria написа ревю за Цирк Рио
много комари и много дьлго за деца 3 години. много дьлги диалозите с клоуном, най трудни за малки деца.
Daria написа ревю за Държавна Опера Бургас
too long, dark moments scary for kids, 2 clowns are not nessesary.
Daria написа ревю за Държавен куклен театър - Бургас
too long, theese 2 clowns are not nessesary, few moments when it was dark and kids were afraid. the end of the story is not like in a book and kids were confused. so it's few moments to work on !!
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